Friday, January 30, 2015


It has been almost 2 years since my first and only post... wahhh... how time flies! and so I have made myself a new year resolution which is I am going to update this blog at least twice a month.. hihihi... let's wait and see if I am going to be able to to commit to this... (gambate!)

As for the first topic I think I have chosen an interesting topic... may this be enlightening to you! have fun!

Lately I have been researching so much on foundation and skin tone. I have never thought that when it comes to choosing the right shades of foundation it is skin deep. To be honest the more I read the more I understand that it is not merely on the surface. Apparently it is an essential knowledge to have to become a good makeup artist. Being a self-thought makeup artist I am still lacking a whole lot of knowledge, hence the problem I have with shades or most people call it colours or tone etc. I always (most of the time) have this one problem especially when working with people with colours (like me myself), in which the foundation I applied looking greyish or ashy and looking like a mask. So long story short, while I was reading on the web I stumbled upon the word “undertone”. I have stumbled upon it a few times actually but I was too lazy to understand it.. (hehehe.. this is so me). Basically, when you understand about the undertone choosing your makeup will be a breeze and everything will start to fall into place.
So what is undertone you might ask… here we go..

This is according to the famous Michelle Phan.
·         Skin tones are often confused with undertone, but they are actually not the same thing.
·         An undertone is the colour that lies beneath the skin. It is almost like a SHADOW BENEATH YOUR SKIN COLOUR. While your skin tone can change, the undertone never does
·         You can have a cool, warm, or neutral undertone.

How to find your undertone? Take this Quiz..

           1) Look at the inside of your wrist. What colour do your veins predominately appear?

a)      More blue (cool)
b)      More green (warm)

           2) Take a snap of you in a yellow top or dress. How do you look?

a)      Ah-mazing! – it gives me great glow (warm)
b)      Hideous – it makes me look a little sickly (cool)

3)  Place a piece of plain white paper next to your freshly washed face. How does your complexion look?

a)      Pretty bad: My complexion is sallow and dull. Why did you make me do this? (warm)
b)      Pretty damn good! I don’t see any pronounce shadows here (cool)

4)  Place a gold shadow or liner on your hand or arm. Now, place a silver shadow or liner next      to it. Which colour makes your skin more alive?

a)                  The gold is pretty fabulous (warm)
b)                  Silver all the way! (cool)

5) What happens to your skin when you are out without sunscreen?

a)      It has tendency to burn easily – ouch! (cool)
b)      It has tendency to tan easily (warm)

6) Which group does your eye colour fall under?

a)      Golden brown, green, blue, hazel with gold flecks (warm)
b)      Black or deep brown, grey, steel blue, hazel with grey or blue flecks (cool)

     *If your answer has more warm than cool then you are warm undertone and it goes the other way but if your answers are balance it means that you have neutral undertone and you fall under both categories

Warm ladies look best in foundation that has a yellow or golden undertone. If you fall under this category, you generally should stick to earthier shades such as yellow, orange, brown, orangey reds and yellow green. And a brick-red lipstick should be your bff.


You look best in foundation that has a bluish or pink undertone. If you fall under this category, you generally should stick to tones such as blue, purple, blue-green, green, magenta and bluish red. Black Mascara makes your eyes pop!